Dear Mr. Ambassador, Ambassadors, Distinguished Guests, Ladies and Gentlemen,
let me start by congratulating all of you to the 75th anniversary of the founding of the People´s Republic of China. Mr. Ambassador, we have always been following the developments of your country with a great interest. We know that your country has made – in these three quarters of a century – an enormous progress. Especially in the last three or four decades the Chinese economy and the living standards of its 14 hundred million people have made an – in the world history unprecedented – jump forward.
Geopolitically, China has become one of the main world players. This gives your country an opportunity to contribute to a positive solution of many daunting world problems, and – what we in this part of the world consider extremely important – to the termination both of the tragic war between Russia and Ukraine and of the similarly tragic situation in the Middle East.
Mr. Ambassador, we are aware of the 75th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between our two countries. After the radical changes which started in our country at the end of the 1980s some of us tried to give a new impetus to our relations. It was me who – as Prime Minister of the Czech Republic – led the first high ranking delegation to the People´s Republic of China thirty years ago.
I am convinced that we – at that time – prepared solid foundations for the friendly and productive relations between our countries. Since that China has become our second largest trading partner. We import from your country many kinds of manufactured goods. Your country is our very important export market as well. We wish the trade and economic cooperation will not only continue but will increase in the future. I would like to stress that it was and is in our interest to have productive and growing economic relations with your country.
Regretfully, after the positive restart three decades ago our economic relations have become the victim of our domestic political disputes on the one hand and of the growing tensions between the world superpowers on the other. I can assure you, Mr. Ambassador, that this is not in our long-term interest. I wish traditional friendship and partnership between the peoples of our countries will continue and will contribute to our mutual prosperity and stability.
Václav Klaus, 27. 9. 2023